
Connection and Community



Yoga and Ayurveda come from the Vedas and both are important in attaining balance in health. Beth has almost 20 years of experience as a teacher. She is a trained in several different forms of yoga including Hatha, therapeutic, prenatal, and children’s yoga.


Ayurveda emphasizes returning perfect balance to the elements, in the body through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and body cleansing.

Events and Pop Up Classes

Find Ayurvedic workshops and yoga classes lead by Beth happening in Central Oregon.


Ayurveda is one of the oldest medicines, originating over 5,000 years ago in India. Ayurveda emphasizes returning perfect balance to the elements, in the body through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and body cleansing. Everything in our body and in our world is composed of five elements: air, water, fire, earth, and space. These elements combine to form the three doshas, vata, kapha, and pitta. When these elements/doshas are out of balance disease can occur in the body and the mind and when they are in balance optimal health is achieved.


Reserve your consultation

The consultation will consist of tongue, pulse, and lifestyle questionnaire to determine what elements need to be balanced. Once you meet with Beth for your consultation, you will be able to purchase your treatment session and/or packages.
